The Myrtl Hip Mobility Routine

The Myrtl Hip Routine was put together by running coach Jay Johnson.

While originally developed for Nike’s running community, the Myrtl Routine use classic exercises. So it’s not limited to runners.

It takes less than 5 minutes and improves your hip strength and mobility. Watch the quick video below to see it in action.

The Myrtl Hip Routine


  1. Clams: x10
  2. Lateral Leg Raise with toes Pointing Forward: x4 (@ 0:28)
  3. Lateral Leg Raise with toes Pointing Up: x4 (@ 0:33)
  4. Lateral Leg Raise with toes Pointing Down: x4 (@ 0:38)
  5. Fire Hydrants x10 (not in video)
  6. Donkey Kicks: x10 (@ 0:51)
  7. Donkey Whips: x5 (@ 1:14)
  8. Fire Hydrants x10 (@ 1:36)
    1. Forward x10
    2. Backward x10
  9. Over The Fence (@ 2:36)
    1. Forward x10
    2. Backward x10
  10. Leg Swings (@ 3:16)
    1. Lateral x10 (Side to side across your body)
    2. Front to Back x10
    3. Front to Back with bent knee x10

Note: The movement comes form your hips. So maintain a rigid core throughout every exercise.

Here’s the routine in a PDF.